
(1) Andrew Draganov, Aarhus University and All authors contributed equally to this research;
(2) David Saulpic, Université Paris Cité & CNRS;
(3) Chris Schwiegelshohn, Aarhus University.
2 Preliminaries and Related Work
2.3 Coresets for Database Applications
4 Reducing the Impact of the Spread
4.1 Computing a crude upper-bound
4.2 From Approximate Solution to Reduced Spread
5 Fast Compression in Practice
5.1 Goal and Scope of the Empirical Analysis
5.3 Evaluating Sampling Strategies
5.4 Streaming Setting and 5.5 Takeaways
8 Proofs, Pseudo-Code, and Extensions and 8.1 Proof of Corollary 3.2
8.2 Reduction of k-means to k-median
8.3 Estimation of the Optimal Cost in a Tree
We put the proofs, pseudo-code and algorithmic extensions towards the end of the paper for improved readability of the primary text. Algorithm 2 corresponds to the discussion in Section 4.1 and Algorithm 3 corresponds to the discussion in Section 4.2.
In our argument, the only step specific to k-median is computing the upper-bound U on the cost of the solution. Provided such an upper-bound, rounding points and shifting the box would work exactly alike for k-means. Therefore, the next lemma is enough to extend our reduction of the spread to k-means:
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