Pictured story, https://hackernoon.com/the-joy-of-using-single-purpose-tech
This publishing approach does ask for something from you - that in today’s overloaded internet, you rarely get asked for - patience. There is a second human on the other side of the screen and she or he or they will read and review your human words. IMHO internet comments too often favor bots and/or instant gratification instead of thoughtfulness about how to help the next visitor.
At HackerNoon, we’ve learned a lot in publishing tens of thousands of stories and have tried a number of different commenting systems (discourse / medium / disqus / gun)… Naturally, we reached the conclusion to start over with one that is more native to our core product, the content management system that powers HackerNoon. The text editor itself is the 3.0 text editor build with outline open source - it’s a clean typing experience with a few extras like bullet points, breakout quotes, and code blocks.
Sidenote: if you think all this second human rule quality curation is bullshit, or just think you have a story/AMA/real-time-words-craving - anyone can instantaneously comment on your story if you toggle YES to Townhall Mode in your story settings.
Right now (in QA), writers can review submitted and published comments on their stories here and manage comments settings here. All HackerNoon accounts can find their published comments on their profile pages.
And one of the great things about comments is that they extend to words and code, creating extra value for our users.