
2 Background and Motivation
2.1 Decentralized Computing Infrastructure and Cloud
4 Detailed Design of DeFaaS and 4.1 Decentralized Scheduling and Load Balancing
4.2 Decentralized Event Distribution
4.3 API Registration and Access Control
4.5 Logging and Billing and 4.6 Trust Management
4.7 Supporting Multi-Cloud Service Mesh
5 Implementation and Evaluation
The related work can be categorized into the following areas.
Multi-cloud FaaS. There exist efforts like [Zhao et al.(2022), Baarzi et al.(2021)] to enable multi-cloud FaaS. Since our design is described in the context of Open FaaS, it is worth mentioning the existing effort on supporting distributed Open FaaS [Vieira et al.(2019)]. The objectives of these efforts are fundamentally different from ours as they mainly target enterprise customers and enterprise application settings. For this reason, they often involve centralized component for scheduling, orchestration, synchronization or monitoring purposes, for instance, the controller in [Baarzi et al.(2021)]. In addition, they do not need to offer integration or interopreability with blockchains for instance support for authorization and authentication based on blockchain wallet accounts. The trust model and assumptions are also drastically
different. Furthermore, a major distinguishing characteristic is that our design and protocol primarily rely on decentralized building components for almost all the major functions like event triggering, state synchronization, management, scheduling, authorization and authentication.
dApp/Web3 offering by cloud providers. As described earlier, to capitalize the rapid growth of Web3, cloud providers are rushing to this space by offering cloud based resources to Web3 and dApp developers. To certain extent, our efforts are both complementary to and different from the cloud providers’ efforts. Regarding the differences, our efforts mainly target at the areas of multi-cloud support, decentralized management layer, blockchain integration and interoperability. These elements are missing in Web3 strategy of a single cloud provider. For instance, it is not at a single cloud provider’s interest to enable multi-cloud support of FaaS for dApp and Web3. Decentralized management layer above a single cloud’s realm is also out of the reach of a single cloud provider. In another word, our design fills a gap that is both outside the interest as well as outside the reach of a single cloud provider.
Cloud-based dApps and Web3 applications. Web3 and dApp projects have been applying cloud services for many advantages such as low cost, on-demand resources, out-sourced management. There exist efforts to facilitate integration of cloud based dApps with blockchains like API3 [Burak Benligiray([n. d.])] and Chainlink [Kaleem and Shi(2021)]. Our work fundamentally distinguishes from them in both the overall goals and implementations. Firstly, API3 and Chainlink mainly focus on Oracle applications, dApps that provide Oracle data feeds to the blockchains. Our design is not restricted to Oracle applications. From the description, one can easily tell that our framework is a comprehensive approach for decentralized FaaS, which is much broader than what exist today. Secondly, we provide a unified and blockchain based management layer that spans multi-cloud data centers. Such component is missing in the related work. For instance, API3 relies on cloud provider’s API gateway service. In addition, it does not support coordination across multi-cloud data centers. In contrast, our framework enables decentralized FaaS across multi-cloud with a network of API gateways. Most of the functions and components supported by our framework such as decentralized API scheduling, decentralized event triggering, and decentralized state synchronization, etc are missing in the related work. Partially the reason is that they focus on a much narrower objective, leveraging the cloud resources for off-chain Oracle sources, whereas our goal is to enable fully decentralized FaaS. The dramatic differences in the objective lead to completely different approaches in design.
Volunteer computing-based support for dApp/Web3 applications. Like mentioned earlier, there exist marketplaces and frameworks to enable sharing and exchange computing resources contributed by volunteers (e.g., [iEXEC(2017), Network(2016), SONM(2017), Hanke et al.(2018)]). In almost all the cases, these projects focus on tokenization of computing resources and electronic marketplaces for trading the tokenized computing resources. Although our framework can be easily extended to include a decentralized marketplace component, this is not the main focus of the described work. Furthermore, our design focuses on decentralized FaaS deployed over multi-cloud data centers instead of resources contributed from anonymous users or peers. Our focus on decentralized management and governance of decentralized FaaS is not addressed in these volunteer computing based projects. However, it is important to point out that it is plausible to extend our framework to cover resources from non-cloud providers like ICT resources from volunteers.
FaaS is a new computation paradigm, and offers high flexible and scalable computation capability. While it is feasible for an dApp/Web3 application to take advantage of the existing FaaS, it greatly impacts the decentralization character as most FaaS is owned and managed by a single cloud service provider. We propose DeFaaS in this work, which utilizes blockchain technology to coordinate FaaS systems of multiple cloud service providers.
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(1) Rabimba Karanjai, Department of Computer Science, University of Houston (rkaranjai@uh.edu);
(2) Lei Xu, Department of Computer Science, Kent State University;
(3) Lin Chen, Department of Computer Science, Texas Texh University;
(4) Nour Diallo, Department of Computer Science, University Of Houston;
(5) Weidong Shi, Department of Computer Science, University Of Houston.
This paper is